What our Customers say...

Building Services Testimonials

SERVPRO did a great job all around, they were able to remove the mold from my house and put everything back together in a efficient and timely manner.

Patrick was amazing to work with during the reconstruction phase of this project.  He was very communicative, honest, and extremely helpful.  He often went above and beyond to make sure that things were being done correctly and that we were satisfied with the final product.  I wouldn't hesitate to recommend his work to anyone.  Thank you, Patrick! :)

Fantastic reconstruction services after the water damage.  I would recommend you to my friends & family.  Patrick was the best!

I was impressed by your personnel that performed the duct cleaning at my house.  Great job & professionalism!

SERVPRO of Milton / Braintree, in particular, Patrick Tereschuk, was extremely responsive and accommodating throughout or renovation process.  Very professional! 

The project manager was polite, knowledgeable, and helpful throughout the reconstruction process.  Great job overall.  Absolutely no complaints!